Teaching Naked Online: Articulating the Value You Bring to the Online Classroom

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Moving technology out of your college classroom to improve student learning is described by Dr. Jose Bowen as Teaching Naked. In this session we will take a fresh look at the Learning Effectiveness OLC Pillar through the Teaching Naked lenses and work to articulate the value we, as faculty, bring to an online course.

Extended Abstract: 

Moving technology out of your college classroom to improve student learning is described by Dr. Jose Bowen as Teaching Naked. He promotes this idea in both of his recent books Teaching Naked & Teaching Naked Techniques. While the "Teaching Naked" pedagogy helps traditional faculty to articulate their value in the classroom, these ideas can also promote faculty reflection leading to more engaging and robust online courses. In this session we will take a fresh look at the Learning Efectiveness OLC Pillar through the Teaching Naked lenses and work to articulate the value we, as faculty, bring to the online classroom.

This session will target the LE OLC Pillar, but also touch on Faculty Satisfaction & Student Satisfaction Pillars as we use the "Teaching Naked" Pedagogy to frame how we establish instructor presence, build course community & engagement/interaction, and provide both assessment & instruction to students.

This is important because it helps educators reflect on why they do what they do, and how they articulate/define quality in their courses in order to impact student success. The tools given will include assessment, social media, discussion, & more.

Planned interaction with workshop/session participants will include discussion thoughts/scenarios thoughout the workshop that spur discussion/reflection and have round table groups share by using #OLCAccelerate. I'll project the feed on the screen to fuel our large group discussion & highlight what is being discussed at the tables. While discussion is going on I will move around to tables to personally engage the groups as well as moderate & fuel the online discussion at #OLCAccelerate. I will also have pre-loaded tweets that go out during the workshop/session including all resources that are mentioned & discussed. Participants will be encouraged to reflect, form an action-plan, and define how their presence in an online course provides value. Handouts with room for notes will be availble both hard copy & provided as templates on Google Drive.

After this session, participants will be able to . .

  • articulate the value they bring to the online classroom.
  • construct opportunities for students to reflect & interact as an online community.
  • summarize the importance of demonstrating passion & motivating students online.

Dr. Jose Bowen has given me written approval to use his research & the "Teaching Naked" theme from his books. If needed please contact and I can provide. This could also be given as an "Education Session" or an "Express Workshop"

*Note although the title is "Teaching Naked Online" clothes MUST be worn by all participants, they are NOT optional.

Session Type: 
Pre-conference Workshop