Digital Presence for the 21st Century Educator

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

A workshop on the purpose and strategy for creating digital presence as a 21st century digital educator. The individual concepts of Digital Reputation, Digital Fluency, Digital Footprint and the Personal Learning Cloud or Environment can come together to create one’s digital presence. Details of each concept will be given and clear behaviors and actions will be recommended to create a digital presence that helps instructors better engage students in online and digital learning opportunities.

Extended Abstract: 

Michael Fortune is an educational technologist for SUNY Empire State College. Over the last five years Mike has seen the boom of Web 2.0 tool usage in American culture reach a plateau that has allowed its embedding in online learning at the higher education level to cause a trajectory of of expectation that  their usage in higher ed will or should mirror usage in our daily lives.


During that same time the term “social media” has come to encompass the term Web 2.0  as Web 2.0 tool usage has grown and stimulated a digital collective consciousness that has influenced all aspects of our daily lives and world events.


For those of us in higher education, the idea of feeling as though you have to become a social media superstar to connect with 21st century learners may seem insurmountable.


Just like any other concept born out of a knowledge industry, a folksonomic term has been coined, that of “digital presence.”


The term Digital Presence has been used countless times for entrepreneurs needing to reach a wider audience in the digital marketplace of today.  


Digital presence in the business world is understood as the best practices and most effective strategies to generate business activity for individual entrepreneurs and small business.


However, digital presence is not only beneficial for the start up business person. It can be used as a strategy to create greater connectivity between an educator and their students. Leveraging digital presence can also create engagement in multimedia tools as learning activities.


Mr. Fortune’s  workshop will take instructors through the trends that have caused digital presence to be so necessary.  He will also show the differences in the four separate a distinct components of digital presence.


These four concepts are  Digital Reputation, Digital Fluency, Digital Footprint and the Personal Learning Cloud or Environment  can come together to create one’s digital presence. Details of each concept will be given and clear behaviors and actions will be recommended to create a digital presence that helps instructors better engage students in online and digital learning opportunities.

Session Type: 
Education Session - Individual or Dual Presentation