Instructional Designer as Game Master; Facilitator as Dungeon Master: Allowing Learner Agency

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 

What if, like the players of D&D, our learners had full agency over their learning journey? What if the instructional designer acted as a Game Master, and the facilitator was a Dungeon Master? Let’s discuss the use of RPG mechanics in our learning programs.

Extended Abstract: 

In the field of Gamified Learning, designers and facilitators have overlooked the mechanics involved in Role Playing Games (RPGs). And yet, RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons are incredibly engaging, if not addicting. 

Besides a lack of knowledge, why have such game mechanics been overlooked? Perhaps it’s because we fear the loss of control over the learning experience. After all, RPGs give players (learners) complete agency.  

Let’s create a learning space where the learner is in charge of finding their own route to mastery. When we study Role Playing Games, there are key roles in the design and implementation of the game: The Game Master and the Dungeon Master. The first lays out the game; the second engages with the players during play. What if we labeled the ID as the Game Master and the facilitator as the Dungeon Master? What would the implications be for our learning programs? 

Imagine a learning experience that the learners control. The instructional designer lays out the scenario, the end goal, the challenges, and how progress will be measured. The learners bind together in a guild and make choices about what information and skills they need to develop and decide where to find that information and how to practice it. As they face challenges, they choose how to overcome them. The more creative they are, the greater the rewards—all under the watchful eye of the facilitator. 

The goal of this session is to ignite a discussion and innovation; rather than a “how to,” we will play with character development and conflict resolution mechanics to think about how we can use them as we turn over the learning journey to the learners themselves.

Conference Track: 
Process, Problems, and Practices
Session Type: 
Conversation, Not Presentation
Intended Audience: 
Design Thinkers
Training Professionals