ePortfolios – Build it, Use it, Assess it

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

ePortfolios provide a method for showcasing and allowing robust and paperless review of learning at both the course and program level. This session will discuss the evolution of eportfolios in our program including construction, the addition of artifacts, and use of the eportfolio in assessment.  Participants will be introduced to several freely available tools. 

Extended Abstract: 

ePortfolios provide a method for showcasing and allowing robust and paperless review of learning at both the course and program level. Students archive learning activities and projects, along with reflection on their learning, from multiple courses to demonstrate the application of program learning outcomes. 

This session will briefly review the evolution and current implementation of eportfolios in an Administrative Management program.   We will review our current process of introduction to the application and construction of the eportfolio, submission of additional artifacts throughout the program, and final development in the capstone course.  We will also discuss how we have then used the eportfolio in program assessment.  At the end of the session, participants will:

1. Identify several applications for eportfolio creation.

2. Define a goal for an eportfolio in their course, program, or institution.

3.  Be introduced to hands-on implementation of the eportfolio.

Participants will be introduced to free eportfolio applications, encouraged to create their own start of an eportfolio, and invited to share their goals with others in the session.  


Note to reviewers:  We indicated express workshop for this session.  We could easily expand it to a pre-conference 3-hour workshop by allowing more hands-on and build time. 

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 6
Session Type: 
Express Workshop