Meeting Faculty Where They are At: Developing A Course Design Institute for all Disciplines and Modalities

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

This session will describe one institution’s approach to developing and implementing a 3-day Institute on Course (re)Design for faculty from across the disciplines with an interest in designing a new course or redesigning an existing course. Presenters will describe the unique components and approach taken to engage faculty participants.

Extended Abstract: 

Providing purposeful and intensive multi-day opportunities that guide faculty in the process of  “marrying” content and effective pedagogical approaches is an important, yet often overlooked part of the course development process. While many institutions offer short workshops focused on various approaches to teaching, these types of sessions often do not result in long-term changes in teaching behaviors associated with student engagement and deep learning (Gibbs & Coffey, 2004). To achieve these outcomes, a comprehensive approach must be taken to faculty development, including development focused on supporting faculty who are designing new courses or re-designing existing courses.

The proposed Discovery session will describe one institution’s approach to developing and implementing a 3-day Institute on Course (re)Design for faculty from across the disciplines with an interest in designing a new course or redesigning an existing course. Specifically, the session presenters, two instructional designers and one full-time faculty member, will describe the unique components, ranging from course design strategies that are adaptable to all course delivery modalities to breakout sessions addressing incorporating high-impact practices (HIPs), and the approach taken to engage faculty participants during the Institute.

The session will include the following: an overview of the recruit and selection of faculty participants; description of the needs assessment process the Institute facilitators used to develop specific content; introduction to session topics and approach taken to facilitating the 3-day Institute; presentation of sample artifacts faculty developed during and following the Institute; discussion of outcomes associated with Institute participation.

Participants will leave the proposed session with information and ideas they can use to either create or enhance existing faculty development that spans the disciplines and course modes and modalities and truly meets faculty where they are at.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 1
Session Type: 
Discovery Session