veryone wants to create robust, interactive content but who has the time? This presentation showcases a solution in H5P, an open-source,easy-use technology, that designers and instructors can employ to help their courses meet the needs of all learners in accordance with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines.
The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines (UDL) recognizes that all learners benefit from having robust options to engage with course content, process information, and manage resources. However, creating these options for students can prove time and resource intensive. This presentation, discussion, and demonstration propose a solution in H5P, an open-source, easy-to-use technology that allows educators with to create interactive, responsive, and mobile-friendly content that meets the needs of all learners.
Based on scientific research, the UDL framework seeks to help all students to become more purposeful, resourceful, and strategic in their approach to learning. It does so through a three-pronged approach, addressing the steps necessary to provide learners with multiple means of engagement, representation, and action & expression. Limits placed on time and resources can make these steps difficult to engage; however, this is where H5P comes into play.
Although using H5P at scale requires a hosting service, educators can create over fifty different types of interactive content without cost and make them available for reuse as OER. This presentation explores how these content types can be used to meet UDL guidelines Educators can offer learners multiple means of engaging with content, for example, by providing them mastery-oriented feedback from flashcards, multiple-choice quizzes, or drag-and-drop HP5 activities that can be directly embedded within most LMS. In addition to offering educators multiple ways to engage learners, H5P also allows for different forms of representation. For instance, vocabulary and symbols can be pre-taught in ways that promote connection to the learners’ experience and prior knowledge. Finally, H5P allows educators to create different ways for learners to apply strategies to process information through content tools such as the timeline, presentation, and image hotspots.
The demonstrations and discussions of how H5P ties to UDL Guidelines make the presentation an excellent fit for the instructional technology and tools track, which concentrates on how technology can be used in innovative ways. By the conclusion of the presentation, participants will have a host of ideas for how they can truly make their online or hybrid classes a space for all learners.
Level of Participation:
We are excited about the rich levels of participation and play made possible within the discovery session framework. Prior to the 5-7 minute presentation, we’ll distribute interaction planning postcards where participants can map out an H5P interactive element that will help their learners become more purposeful, resourceful, and strategic in keeping with Universal Design for Learning guidelines. Participants will be encouraged to share their plans with each other as well as experience similar H5P content items set up on a second laptop or accessible through their mobile devices with a QR code.
Session Goals:
Individuals will be able to strategically implement the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines in their online and hybrid classrooms through effective use of H5P. They will be able to apply their hands-on knowledge of H5P to design interactive content for their own classroom. They will also be able to articulate strategies and requirements for implementing H5P at scale at their institution. Lastly, they will be able to discuss their use of H5P to meet UDL Guidelines with fellow educators.
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