Screencasting Tools in Hybrid and Blended Learning

Final Presentation: 
Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Special Session: 
Community College/TAACCCT
Diversity & Inclusion

During this presentation, members of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Khalifa University will share their journey of supporting faculty and students in transitioning into Emergency Response mode during the pandemic. Attendees will learn about various LMS tools and technology integration that are conducive to student engagement and faculty satisfaction at a top research institution. Attendees will learn about various screencasting tools and how to use them in facilitating lectures and engaging students.

Extended Abstract: 

Based on recent scholarly discussions, it is evident that digital technology has made possible what was deemed impossible, and while the pandemic has been disruptive to higher education, it created pathways for innovation and the restructuring of outdated and inefficient educational practices. For example, the instructional and disruption caused by the global pandemic has provided university stakeholders with an opportunity to narrow the digital divide that once existed between those who preferred in person interactions and those who saw the advantages of operating in virtual spaces. In many ways, the global pandemic has exposed the digital divide and inequalities in educational accessibility, thus compelling the education community to reimagine how teachers and educators teach and support students regardless of their physical location and the tools they can access. Change is inevitable, and in the case of the global pandemic, change has created a new and innovative mindset that defies physical proximity in all aspects of the human connections. The academic community has diverted from its traditional functions and operations to adapt a semi-irreversible structure of flexible and innovative ecosystem. The pandemic has reduced the level of social interactions inside and outside the classroom but the availability of digital resources like Google Classroom, Zoom, Kaltura, and other Screencasting and video conferencing tools has created a new ecology of learning and interaction. The emergency response teaching, which aimed at maintaining instructional and administrative continuity, has redefined the role of the university towards the learner and the larger community.

During this presentation, members of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Khalifa University will share their journey of supporting faculty and students in transitioning into Emergency Response mode during the pandemic. Attendees will learn about various LMS tools and technology integration that are conducive to student engagement and faculty satisfaction at a top research university.

Conference Track: 
Instructional Technologies and Tools
Session Type: 
Discovery Session Asynchronous
Intended Audience: 
Design Thinkers
Instructional Support
Training Professionals
All Attendees