Moving Beyond Emergency Remote Learning in Higher Education

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

During times of extended crisis and uncertainty, continued access to educational opportunities provides moments of normalcy and positive influence. We will look at how institutions of higher education can continue evolving “temporary” remote learning into well-established and engaging online courses.

Extended Abstract: 

During times of extended crisis and uncertainty, continued access to educational opportunities provides moments of normalcy and positive influence. However, once the issues have lessened, moving back to a traditional classroom setting can be just as challenging. Instead of focusing on returning to the former standard of traditional educational content delivery, pushing forward with online educational opportunities would be worthwhile. We will look at how institutions of higher education can continue evolving “temporary” remote learning into well-established and engaging online courses. We will define emergency remote learning (ERL) and online learning (OL) and identify the appropriate use for each. We will discuss some of the expressed hesitancies of higher learning institutes in embracing a full OL platform at their institutions. We will present a curated list of benefits of introducing OL methodologies to the higher learning curriculum, as well as blending the aspect of both OL and face-to-face (F2F) educational practices. Finally, we will share several ways this synergy of OL and F2F methods can be achieved.

Conference Track: 
Blended Teaching and Learning
Session Type: 
Education Session
Intended Audience: 
Design Thinkers
Instructional Support