Press Record: Strategies to Encourage Faculty Collaboration and Communication through FlipGrid

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Special Session: 

Innovative strategies for improving virtual collaboration amongst graduate non traditional full time and adjunct faculty will be highlighted to improve curriculum instruction. FlipGrid, a web 2.0 tool, will be discussed, and participants will have the opportunity to engage in it beyond the session.

Extended Abstract: 

Session Purpose

The purpose of this session is to discuss innovative strategies for improving virtual collaboration amongst full time and adjunct faculty.  

Background/ Relevance

Master of Public Health (MPH) programs train students on disease prevention and health promotion of communities.  Our program is one of the largest fully online MPH programs in the country, and follows a unique model where faculty load is based on number of students, not credit hours.  We have three full time faculty and over 30 adjunct faculty. However, there may be a gap in faculty and adjunct communication amongst the delivery of the curriculum. It is imperative to improve standardization of courses and teaching methods to enhance student learning and engagement.  Therefore, connecting all non-traditional graduate faculty that live and work throughout the United States for the MPH program in a viable space is essential.

An MPH Faculty FlipGrid was created to serve as a virtual space for all faculty (FTF and adjunct) to interact, learn, and ask questions.   FlipGrid was chosen as a platform because of its accessibility on various devices and the ability to share information easily and quickly via video.  Four topics were chosen to start the FlipGrid. The topics included 1) Faculty introductions, 2) How do I use flipgrid, 3) Announcements and 4) Help.

The FlipGrid was launched through an email communication. The email discussed the goal of the FlipGrid, what FlipGrid is, and how to access it. Once the FlipGrid was live, FTF began posting weekly.  To date, two adjunct video submissions have been received.

Due to the low participation in the FlipGrid, FTF are interested in researching best methods for communication amongst faculty.   Through presenting at OLC, FTF wish to gain insight from other institutions in regard to streamlining and standardizing communication and improving collaboration. 

Plan for Interactivity

Prior to the conference, a FlipGrid will be created with 5 session specific topics and pre-recorded videos.  Instead of a PowerPoint presentation, the FlipGrid will be used throughout the presentation to showcase the platform and give participants the opportunity to see its functionality.  To begin the session, presenters will introduce the conference FlipGrid and play pre-recorded videos in which presenters introduce themselves and provide a background for the session.  Throughout the session, presenters will play videos highlighting different scenarios to prompt the discussion. The session outline including scenarios and questions for collaboration are listed below.  At the conclusion of the session presenters will encourage participants to continue the discussion centered around the 4 scenarios on the FlipGrid throughout the conference. Participants will be given the FlipCode and a 1 page handout on how to use FlipGrid. Faculty will respond to videos throughout the conference.

Session Outline

  • Presenter Introduction (3 min, presented through FlipGrid)
  • Scenario 1 (8 min, presented through FlipGrid): Faculty are located throughout the country with no or limited opportunity for face to face interaction. 
    • Questions for Scenario 1: How important is it to engage faculty? How do you engage faculty and through what medium?
  • Senario 2 (8 min, presented through FlipGrid): You receive a communication from a student upset about the way you grade participation. The student said prior instructors did it differently.  
    • Questions for Scenario 2:  How can we standardize our feedback and yet still individualize instruction?
  • Scenario 3 (8 min, presented through FlipGrid): You host quarterly calls to provide adjuncts announcements and allow them to ask questions. Participation is low.  In addition, you send emails and disseminate information, but rarely hear from faculty.
    • Questions for Scenario 3: What communication barriers do you have with faculty? How do you communicate important updates to faculty and how well is it received?  What have you found to be the best strategies for connecting adjunct faculty to full time faculty?
  • Scenario 4 (8 min, presented through FlipGrid): You create a FlipGrid to engage faculty. You feel this will be a great way for faculty to receive updates and ask questions on their time. However, the response rate is low.
    • Questions for Scenario 4:  Does your institution promote the use of technology as best practice? Have you heard of web 2.0 tools such as FlipGrid? How do we get faculty to press record?
  • Presenter Conclusion (3 min, not presented through FlipGrid): 

Participant Takeaway

Through participation in this session participants will be exposed to FlipGrid, a web 2.0 tool which can be used to increase collaboration and communication amongst students and faculty. In addition, participants will discuss the importance of faculty connection, and learn best strategies used across institutions for the promotion of collaboration of online faculty to improve curriculum instruction and standardization.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 8
Conference Track: 
Effective Tools, Toys and Technologies
Session Type: 
Discovery Session
Intended Audience: 
Instructional Support