Engaging Students: How to use Flipgrid in your Online or Blended Courses

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Special Session: 
Supplemental File: 

Within this proposed workshop, a demonstration of how to access FlipGrid and a showcase of different ways to employ FlipGrid into the online environment will be provided.  Participants will create at least one alternate discussion board or assignment activity utilizing FlipGrid on their own laptop.  

Extended Abstract: 

Participant Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of the workshop, the learner will illustrate the proper way to access FlipGrid resources.
  • By the end of the workshop, the learner will summarize two ways to integrate FlipGrid into their course.
  • By the end of the workshop, the learner will create one alternate discussion board format or assignment activity utilizing FlipGrid.
  • By the end of the workshop, the learner will identify how to become a FlipGrid Certified Educator.

Types of Collaboration

Within this proposed workshop, the instructor will engage the audience with the demonstration of how to access FlipGrid and showcasing different ways to employ FlipGrid into the online environment.  Furthermore, significant time will be allotted for the participants to actively engage in creating at least one alternate discussion board or assignment activity utilizing FlipGrid on their own laptop.  The instructor will be actively present to answer questions and provide strategies to improve the alternate assignment with the use of FlipGrid.  Finally, a question and answer session will be conducted to clear up any remaining questions or concerns.

Time Allotment

  • 20 minute presentation on how to access FlipGrid and effective strategies to employ FlipGrid into the online environment
  • 60 minute interactive workshop that allows the participant to create an alternate discussion board format or assignment activity with the use of FlipGrid
  • 10 minute Question and Answer Session

Application of Effective Practices at Home Institution

FlipGrid is a freely accessible online resource.  This website allows instructors to create "grids" to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is like a discussion board where instructors can pose questions.  The students can post video responses to the questions that are less than 5 minutes long. After the workshop, the participant will be able to utilize the knowledge gained from the workshop to incorporate into their online or blended courses within their home institution. Furthermore, after the participant has utilized FlipGrid and received at least 10 student responses and complete a short quiz, the participant can be certified as a FlipGrid Certified Educator for free.

Primary Audience Types

            The primary audience who would most benefit from this session will be faculty that have an online component within their course and technologists.

Benefit of the Workshop

            The faculty members will benefit from this session by learning how to incorporate an interactive format for discussion or assignments that promotes the engagement of students.  Furthermore, I feel that technologists would also benefit from this session by learning a new interactive format. This would allow them to showcase to perspective faculty for ways to promote engagement of students in the online environment.

New and Innovative Activities

The participants will have the opportunity to actively participate in a new and innovative way to facilitate student engagement through the use of a freely accessible online program, FlipGrid. During the workshop, a variety of creative ways to utilize FlipGrid will be presented to the audience.  Some of these innovative strategies include video debate, ‘Show What You Know’ via a Bingo Card style game, brainstorming, and biographies.

Relevance to OLC Innovate 2020 themes and track

This aligns with the OLC Innovate 2020 theme of Effective Tools, Toys, and Technologies by showcasing an innovative way to engage students for discussion or alternate assignments. Furthermore, it is relevant for the track of a workshop as the participants will be actively engaged in learning how to utilize FlipGrid to bring this information back to their home institution.

Needed Materials

  • The participants will be required to bring their individual laptop.
Conference Track: 
Effective Tools, Toys and Technologies
Session Type: 
Discovery Session
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees