Movers and Shakers: What Role Do Educators Play in Electoral Politics?

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 

What role do educators play in electoral politics? Why would an instructional designer become a politician? Come to this session to engage in a conversation with someone who recently ran for political office. Participants will explore questions surrounding this hot topic. Who knows - maybe you will run for office, too!

Extended Abstract: 

It takes all kinds of people to run a government and push for innovative practices that will influence education systems. Like many others, Dr. Olysha Magruder did not begin with or even consider a career in politics. She is an instructional designer and former classroom school teacher. In the summer of 2017, she filed to run for Florida State Senate, motivated by her own activism and professional experiences. She developed the main platform issue surrounding education including protecting the public education system, paying teachers better, and promoting debt-free college education. Over 14 months, Dr. Magruder campaigned across three counties, participated in political forums and events, and attended almost every county fair and parade across the district. While she did not prevail in her primary, she was able to learn a lot about electoral politics - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In this session, the presenter will provide background and context for her decision to run and the campaign itself. Participants will discuss thoughts and experiences with electoral politics, civic engagement, and education. Participants will then explore some key questions surrounding how educators may or may not play a role in electoral politics.

Some suggested discussion questions will be:

  • What role do educators play in electoral politics?
  • What is the perception of educators in the political environment?
  • What is at stake for your institution or for your career?
  • Is there an intersection between our professional careers and electoral politics? If so, what is appropriate? Why or why not?
  • Are you interested in running for office? What are some fundamentals you might consider before doing so?

*Note: While the presenter has clearly identified political points of view, this session is non-partisan and will respectfully consider all participants’ opinions and viewpoints.

Conference Track: 
Leadership and Advocacy
Session Type: 
Conversation, Not Presentation
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees