This session will address ways in which technology and assessment tools can help institutions better meet students at their points of need, covering practical ways in which addressing each student’s individual needs from a holistic perspective can help an institution create a more equitable, engaged environment and help students succeed.
Many strategic master plans within institutions of higher learning are established with the goal of improving outcomes related to equity, affordability and engagement in measurable ways. In this session, Directors from Macmillan Learning’s Institutional Solutions will facilitate an interactive discussion addressing ways in which technology and strong assessment tools can help institutions of higher learning fulfill the imperative to meet students at their points of need – whether it is improving college affordability, active in-class experiences or integration into campus life. The session will cover practical ways in which addressing each student’s individual needs from a holistic perspective can help an institution create and maintain a more equitable, engaged environment and help more students succeed.
Parts: 1. Affordability – How much Pell grants cover today versus previous decades; growing housing and food scarcity issues facing our students; cost of course materials and how we at Macmillan/Intellus are addressing those issues. 2. Engagement – Data showing significant gains in retention and performance in active classrooms and the changes taking place in classroom methodology; Macmillan Learning has always been a leader in classroom engagement through iClicker but now we are changing our structure and publishing model to help even more. 3. Equity – Helping students adjust to college, regardless of background through an assessment and risk alert system that addresses both in class and out of class experiences. 4. Opportunities now arising for new partnerships and paradigms that thought leaders need to understand and pursue. 5. Q & A