Attendee stories will take center stage anchored by four questions spotlighting how teams, tools, data, and iteration strengthen course design in daily practice. Hosted by design thinking veterans, this conversation is structured to emphasize meaningful contributions and practical takeaways.
This discussion is framed by veteran course designers briefly sharing insights gained from rolling out some of their most effective courses. Including:
- Kayla Jutzi of Columbia College Chicago Online, on Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
- Lauren Philip of Strayer University, on Research and Writing
- David Lindrum of Soomo Learning, on US History II
Each of these courses had unique challenges which required different mixes of skills and tools to succeed. Seeing these differences helps us avoid thinking of course design as a cookie-cutter process.
Yet there are some common patterns apparent across these courses which constitute a few of the best practices in modern course design including:
- Teams - collaboration between multiple specialists to create and effective course.
- Tools - combination of multiple technologies to support the pedagogical strategies chosen
- Data - collection and use of data to define problems, find pointers toward solutions, and measure the impact of changes.
- Iteration - after major overhauls, using minor revisions to tune the course and increase measures of success
This 45 minute session will be a structured conversation inviting all participants to share their own experience with these four elements. Notes will be collected to a Google Doc in real time and available to all participants.
changed from CFR to conversation based on CFR chair recommendation. 10/17/18 kfs