A Data-Driven Approach to Retain At-Risk Online Students

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

This session will offer several at-risk and retention techniques. Our methods utilize course access reports from Canvas, filtered through Tableau as well as final grades to pull target populations for advising outreach efforts. This will be an opportunity to discuss lessons learned and helpful tips for future implementation.

Extended Abstract: 

A Data-Driven Approach to Retain At-Risk Online Students

Working with an entirely online and virtual student base allows faculty and staff to use unique methods of correspondence and communication to capture the attention of students and keep them engaged. Participants will learn about the implementation and success of several at-risk and retention techniques developed by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide, Department of Online Education. Several of the techniques have been in place for several years, while new processes are in the testing stage. Our methods utilize course access and grade reports from Canvas, filtered through Tableau (proactive approach) and student final grades from Canvas (reactive approach) to pull target populations for specified advising outreach efforts. The new data-driven methods will be implemented over the next few months and this session will be an opportunity to discuss lessons learned, how it is working, and helpful information for anyone who may be implementing something similar in the future. Quantitative and qualitative data showing the positive impact on student’s persistence and continuation in their programs will also be presented.


A Data-Driven Approach to Retain At-Risk Online Students

Proposed Topic Time: Educate and Reflect Session

30-minute presentation, 5-minute reflection, 10-minute Q&A



Student Support

Challenges for active duty military, adult learners

Online Learning


Undergraduate Students

Graduate Students

Academic Coaching

At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide, we are continuously looking for ways to remain connected with our students and assist them with persisting through their degrees. Our ultimate goal, much like other institutions, is to provide top-notch education coupled with exceptional academic advising to ensure that our students have the resources to continue through their degree programs and graduate. Within the Department of Online Education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide, we work with students primarily through virtual means and communicate over the phone and via email. In order to prevent disconnect and student dissatisfaction, we are continuously re-thinking our approach to online advising.

Through this presentation, participants will learn about the development and implementation of several of our at-risk student engagement techniques. This conference session would not be based on a publication or research paper, but rather through a home-grown, best practices approach used by the Department of Online Education. While some of our techniques have been in practice for several years, new data-driven methods will be implemented over the next few months and this session will be an opportunity to discuss lessons learned, how it is working, and helpful information for anyone who may be implementing something similar in the future. These techniques utilize course access and grade reports from Canvas, filtered through Tableau (proactive approach) and student final grades from Canvas (reactive approach) to pull target populations for specified advising outreach efforts.

Through an interactive lecture-style presentation with polls, handouts, sample correspondence to include email templates, and a question and answer component, participants will be engaged as they learn about the reasons behind our revised approach. Engagement, retention, and at-risk are topics that can be relatable across all universities, whether residential campuses or through distance education. While primarily deployed with our online students, our communication techniques can also be used with a residential population, especially as we all move toward using email, phone and text messaging more in our day to day roles.

The main goals and objectives of this presentation will be to corroborate our process by providing data and student feedback collected over the months leading up to the conference upon implementation of our new at-risk data-driven methods. The audience will be able to connect with this information, especially those who are looking for improved retention, distance education resources, improved advisor-student relationships as well as improved student connection with their degree program and the University.  A handout detailing our techniques, implementation, and findings will be provided to participants for future reference.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 1
Conference Track: 
Problems, Processes, and Practices
Session Type: 
Educate and Reflect Session
Intended Audience: 