You Can Go Home Again - bringing an online program back in-house from outside vendor


This session explores the challenges of migrating and transitioning a degree program from an external online partner, back home to be fully developed and supported in house. We will highlight the collaboration and planning that were necessary to bring the program in-house on a tight timeline. An interactive exercise will demonstrate how this has changed our pedagogical approach to online learning.

Extended Abstract: 

Session Learning Objectives

  1. • Identify effective migration and planning strategies
  2. • Recognize the importance of program leadership
  3. • Build upon cross-departmental collaboration
  4. • Design effective online presentation strategies
  5. • Leverage technology tools used in program creation and delivery

This session will discuss in detail, challenges from departmental, faculty, administrative, and technology perspectives that had to be overcome in migrating the Department of Teacher Education's Special Education License/Master of Arts program back home. Jo Montie, Program Director will talk about the collaboration needed between the university’s teaching faculty, instructional design team and the broader technology group. Michael Wilder, St. Thomas’ Instructional Designer, and John Kinsella, Instructional Systems Consultant will discuss creative strategies in preparing materials and getting faculty and students ready from both a design and technology perspective. 25 minutes will be spent on the specifics of our “new in-house” online program, and 20 minutes will be spent, followed by a Q&A, in an interactive exercise as described below in the Session Participant Engagement Strategies.

Session Participant Engagement Strategies
Using an audience response system, participants will watch a recreated video and be guided through a “mock” module, responding to an interactive module object to demonstrate knowledge of the subject. This will demonstrate the quality of the new product and pedagogical approach taken by the fully “in-house and online” program.

Conference Track: 
Pedagogical Innovation
Session Type: 
Education Session
Intended Audience: 
Instructional Support