What’s in a name? From instructional designer to learning engineer to [ENTER CREATIVE TITLE HERE]


Instructional design is a field that has struggled to clearly define what its professionals do, their career trajectories, and even what we should call them. At this roundtable we will discuss the relationship between job title and roles and responsibilities, as well as explore how these variables impact faculty perception. 

Extended Abstract: 

In the field of instructional design there is huge variability what instructional designers do and what they are called. Additionally, there has been a call to create a real career path, as well as a place in academia for individuals in these roles who are publishing and teaching in this field. In this session we will explore if and how title, responsibilities, and respect are correlated. Does job title influence how willing faculty are to use the services of an instructional designer? Does this impact the level of innovation that instructional designers are able to facilitate? How does the variability in relationship between job title and responsibilities impact the how potential employers view individuals in this field and their career trajectories? We will explore these issues and more in an effort to provide participants with strategies to talk about what they do, regardless of what their title is. 

Conference Track: 
Challenging Barriers to Innovation
Session Type: 
Career Forum Roundtable
Intended Audience: 
Instructional Support
Training Professionals