Instructional design processes associated with online training programs are not generating consistent quality in terms of performance data. Often the temptation to try “new” approaches to solve this dilemma comes at the risk of missing the core objective of knowledge transfer and a return on investment.
Instructional design processes associated with online training programs are not generating consistent quality in terms of performance data. Often the temptation to try “new” approaches to solve this dilemma comes at the risk of missing the core objective of knowledge transfer and a return on investment. Popular approaches such as gamification, require more than adding the technical ability. They also require a shift in the techniques and strategies used to produce the desired results. Training and development teams will learn how to adapt existing elearning technology to proven behavioral design principles, to produce persuasive instructional strategies.
In this session we will share how we take the 7 key techniques for persuasive technology and align them to proven instructional strategies to create persuasive instructional design. We will share real world examples of implemented strategies with evidence of increased mastery.
Instructional design processes associated with online training programs are not generating consistent quality in terms of performance data. Often the temptation to try “new” approaches to solve this dilemma comes at the risk of missing the core objective of knowledge transfer and a return on investment. Popular approaches in online training like gamification, require more than adding the technical ability. They also require a shift in the techniques and strategies used to produce the desired results.
Much like the learner-centered approach to adapting technology to the needs of the learner, research in persuasion and persuasive technology offers insight into how training and development teams can adapt existing elearning technology to proven behavioral design principles, to produce persuasive instructional strategies.
- In this session we will share how we take the 7 key techniques for persuasive technology and align them to proven instructional strategies to create persuasive instructional design. We will share real world examples of implemented strategies for corporate training departments with the evidence of increased mastery.