Practical Tools for Creating and Sourcing Video-Based Lessons: Screencasts and TED-Ed

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to various screencasts and video creation tools (Screencast-o-Matic, Jing, Panopto) to create educational media and customized modules using pre-made interactive videos (TED-Ed Lesson). Participants will create TED-Ed lessons and a screencast, including recording, and publishing on a computer, YouTube, and TED-Ed or a LMS.

Extended Abstract: 

Upon successful completion of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Examine screencast technologies to create flipped modules or e-learning content for both distance and traditional learning settings
  • Record instructional videos using various screencast and video creation tools (e.g., Screencast-o-Matic, Jing, Panopto)
  • Create customized lessons or modules using pre-made interactive videos on a free educational website (TED-Ed)
  • Discuss benefits and potential challenges of various screencast/ video creation tools, including educational uses of pre-customized flipped lessons

Most of educational courses are associated with written text content and visuals such as PowerPoint presentations and other graphics. Tactile elements like audio and video are often left out in the design and/or teaching practices even though these media have the power to make teaching and learning more engaging, emotional, and memorable for learners. To create better connection with the learners and cater to their sense of touch, instructors need practical tools to integrate interactive content and activities into their courses. Fortunately, screencast-based video creation tools have emerged as prominent teaching tools that allow instructors to go far beyond traditional text-based materials and PowerPoint presentations in their teaching. The unique interactive capabilities of these technologies can be used to capture any instructional activity performed on a computer screen such as providing course orientations, digitally recording mini lectures/flipped learning materials, adding audio narration to images or text, and providing assignment and peer feedback. Screencasts can also be utilized for providing step-by-step instruction, explaining a complex concept, or presenting a PowerPoint presentation with narration and multimedia elements. These recordings provide learners an engaging learning experience regardless of course modality (e.g., online, blended/flipped teaching, and traditional teaching environments).  

Along with screencast technologies, other online open source, free platforms like TED-Ed are available for creating customized lessons using pre-made interactive videos. This powerful platform enables instructors to share and reuse educational content. Both screencasting and TED-Ed like technologies enhance educational deliveries. E-learning courses that transpire by means of email and discussion boards can greatly benefit from these technologies in order to share ideas, deliver content, obtain learners’ feedback, and ease communication between instructors and learners. Thus, instructors should take full advantage of such technologies to create multimedia-rich and immersive learning experiences that will help meet different learning needs and enhance knowledge retention across the board.

This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to various screencasts and video creation tools (e.g., Screencast-o-Matic, Jing, Panopto) to create educational media and customized modules using pre-made interactive videos using TED-Ed Lesson Builder). Participants will gain an overview of tools and techniques for recording and producing effective screencasts and engaging lessons. The presenters will guide participants through creation of a short TED-Ed lesson and a brief screencast to demonstrate how to plan, prepare, record, and publish video files on a personal computer, a YouTube channel, TED-Ed site, or learning management system. Participants will practice in small groups and showcase their work as part of a larger group discussion about the successes and challenges of their experiences.

The session will use small group activities, question and answer sessions, and real-world examples interspersed with short didactic presentations to create dialogue around screencasting technology and customized TED-Ed lessons. Participants will leave this workshop with the practical strategies and tools for creating effective instructional videos and lessons.

Workshop Outline (3 Hours)

Introductions and Overview (10 minutes)

  • Introductions and agenda review
  • Poll questions to check the audience's familiarity with the screencasting tools and TED-Ed (using Plickers)

Introduction to screencasts (15 minutes)

  • What is a screencast?
  • What is the purpose of the screencasts?
  • What are the pedagogical benefits of screencasts/videos?
  • What are the key considerations for creating flipped and e-learning content using a screencast?
  • Critical characteristics of effective screencasts/ instructional videos (Participants will receive a rubric for evaluating screencasts/videos.)

Small Group Activity: Evaluate a Screencast (20 minutes)

  1. Examine some screencasting video examples made using Screencast-o-Matic, Jing, and Panopto. As you watch one or two of the screencast videos (samples will be provided), consider these questions:
  • What is the objective/topic of this screencast?
  • How did the screencast support that objective?
  • What was the design approach (e.g., talking head, narrated screen, writing on screen, demonstrating a process)
  • Did the design approach effectively support the objective?
  • How long was the video? Did it feel too short or too long?

Presentation: Planning Your Own Screencast or Recording (10 minutes)

  • Overview of storyboarding process
  • Tips for creating quality screencasts (Participants will receive a checklist promoting best practices in screencasting/video creation.)

Presentation: Simple (and Free) Tools for Your Screencast Toolkit (10 minutes)

  1. Introduction to the three tools
  2. Visual comparison of Screencast-o-Matic, Jing and Panopto
  3. Create a simple screencast using Screencast-o-Matic (Instructions for creating a screencast in all three tools will be provided, but the demo will feature one product to make best use of time.)

Small Group Activity: Create a Screencast (25 minutes)

  • Write a sample storyboard or sketch out a possible flipped learning scenario for which you can create a mini-screencast.
  • Using one of the tools demonstrated (Screencast-o-Matic, Jing, Panopto), create your mini-screencast.
  • Share your screencast with another group and have them use the rubric to evaluate it and make suggestions for improvement

Break (10 minutes)

Demonstration of TED-Ed (25 minutes)

1) Watch the Video
2) Think and answer the three comprehension questions.
3) Dig Deeper into the web exploration activity.
4) Discuss in the guided questions.
5) Reflect on final thoughts and comments. 

Small Group Activity: Hands-On Activity (35 minutes)

  1. Each group will create one flipped mini module with the TED-Ed lesson builder.
  2. Groups will review what they have created, what they have learned, and challenges to overcome (reflections on their experiences)
  3. All groups will discuss design techniques for a good TED-Ed lesson.

Pulling It All Together (15 minutes)

After a brief summary of best practices for creating screencasts, the presenters will facilitate a deeper conversion about how participants can apply their new knowledge and skills to their own teaching environments.

  1. How might you use screencasts or TED-Ed lessons in your own teaching environment?
  2. As an instructor what issues and challenges can you see with developing or implementing of those recordings and lessons or modules?

Wrap up (5 minutes)

  • Review of resources and templates for screencasting and lesson-building using TED-Ed
  • Presenter contact information for further questions
  • Reminder to complete the workshop evaluation

Note: Bring your laptop to the workshop and you will be ready to record your videos and build your customized lessons or modules!

Conference Session: 
Pre-Conference Workshop Session 2
Session Type: 
Pre-conference Workshop
Additional button description: 
There is a fee for this Pre-Conference Workshop: $195 Early Bird / $225 Full Price