Leveraging a CRM to reduce costs and drive student success

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

A CRM allows programs to have a 360 degree view of the student lifecycle.  Learn why the University of Florida programs in the health science center choose Salesforce as their system of engagement and how it is driving internal efficiencies.  Hear how it has driven down costs while providing excellent student support and services.

Extended Abstract: 

There are many new challenges facing higher education today but few focus on the non-academic student experience.  The student should be challendged in the classroom but everything else they have to do from the application to registration should be easy.  This is particulary difficult at blended universities like the University of Florida who have systems and policies in place to accomodate the residential student.  Many systems in many offices have to be leveraged in the application to admissions process.  To registering for courses all the way to registering to graduate.  A CRM allows one place to track a students entire lifecycle through first contact to graduation.  Staff can view a students complete record in one place and provide quick responses to student inquiries.  Data and analytics are easily reviewed so decisions can be made quickly.

Learn why the University of Florida programs in the health science center choose Salesforce as their system of engagement and how it is driving internal efficiencies.  Hear how it has driven down costs while providing excellent student support and services.  Students are able to contact a one-stop shop for all their questions instead of being bounced around from office to office. Salesforce has allowed us to double in size without increasing FTE.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 4
Session Type: 
Discovery Session