7 Proven Strategies for Creating Responsive Online Courses Users Will Love

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In this session, you will learn 7 key strategies for creating eLearning courses that remove the frictions of clunky design. With responsive design and a user-centered design process, you can create learning experiences that people will love! We'll see actual examples and discuss the details of a real project. You'll get plenty of actionable takeaways and effective tools to use on your own projects!

Extended Abstract: 

This session will open with background information on responsive eLearning design. No prior knowledge needed. I will briefly explain what responsive design is and why it matters. Responsive design is an approach that delivers an optimal user viewing and interaction experience across all devices (phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, etc.). “Responsive” means that the layout of the page adapts to the dimensions of the device to best display the content. Everything is fluid and proportional and shifts when the device screen size changes.

A user’s experience with an online course is critical. We generally expect to be able to interact with online content on any of our devices. We expect our digital interactions will be easy, intuitive, and clean. And we get quickly frustrated when the experience does not meet those expectations.

In this session, I will detail 7 key strategies for creating responsive eLearning courses that remove the frictions of clunky design. As I discuss each strategy, I will use plenty of visual examples and discuss the details of a real project. I’ll provide actionable takeaways and effective tools for attendees to use on their own projects!

The 7 proven strategies are:

  1. Walk in your user’s shoes. Know their daily routine, goals, challenges, online experience they expect, etc.
  2. Iterate early and often. Build a “product team” of actual users to provide continual feedback early in the project.
  3. Harmonize content and design. The content needs to fit with the design and visa versa. Find this harmony early in the project.
  4. Remove the clutter. Create simple navigation and an intuitive flow.
  5. Templatize. Templates are essential for more efficient and cost-effective projects. Perfect the templates before filling them with content.
  6. Prioritize. Figure out the top features that impact learning outcomes for the audience.
  7. Get inspiration. Be creative and find inspiration in unexpected places. Go outside the world of eLearning for examples.
Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 1
Session Type: 
Discovery Session