During this session, presenters will share their tips and lessons learned from their institutional journey transitioning away from an OPM partner for online enrollment and one-stop student support services and building capacity internally for these services. Join us for inspiration and ideas on how to get started building your internal online student support team and guiding your institution through the transition away from a third party partner.
Institutions with aggresive goals to grow online enrollment often seek external partnerships with online program management (OPM) providers. While these partnerships serve many purposes and be the right choice for institutions for a season, what do institutions do when desire to make a change or begin to build capacity internally to provide the services that previously provided by the 3rd party? During this session, presenters will share their tips and lessons learned from their institutional journey transitioning away from an OPM partner for online enrollment and one-stop student support services and building capacity internally for these services. Join us for inspiration and ideas on how to get started building your internal online student support team and guiding your institution through the transition away from a third party partner.