Rapid Response Faculty Development on Generative AI: Addressing Moments of Learning Need through Workshops, Institutes, and Certificates

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Special Session: 

Integrating AI technology into university culture requires a certain level of risk-taking and commitment and a center for teaching and learning plays a crucial role for the campus. ​​We share how our Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte launched a rapid response strategy to build and launch a stream of faculty development programs in rapid fire such as (1) an AI summer institute, (2) a professional certificate on generative AI, (3) faculty workshops on AI awareness and prompt engineering, and (4) online resources and templates. 

Extended Abstract: 

A Mix of Fear and Excitement for Generative AI

The complex issues surrounding generative AI in education are crucial and need to be carefully weighed on the benefits and challenges to make informed decisions about incorporating AI tools into the curriculum. Integrating generative AI in higher education has sparked mixed discussions about the potential gains and drawbacks of this technology. ​​Faculty members have both fears and excitement about Generative AI, depending on their background, experience, and level of familiarity with the technology.

Excitement is linked to the benefits which include more personalized and efficient learning experiences, AI-assisted teaching and learning, and increased accessibility to well-synthesized information. One of the biggest benefits of Generative AI in education is the potential to enhance student learning outcomes by providing personalized learning experiences and real-time feedback. Generative AI can help faculty save time and streamline administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on teaching and research. Faculty may feel excited about the potential of Generative AI to prepare students for the job market by providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to work in industries that use AI. Generative AI can provide opportunities for faculty to collaborate with colleagues and experts in other fields, leading to new research opportunities and interdisciplinary partnerships.

Fears and challenges, on the other hand, center on privacy concerns, ethical considerations and the potential for AI systems to preserve existing biases. Faculty also think about how generative AI may drive the replacement of jobs, the increasing automation of education, and its potential for misuse. Faculty members who are not familiar with Generative AI may feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the technology, leading to a fear of not being able to keep up with advancements in the field. As a result, faculty may be resistant to embrace new technologies and teaching methods with AI, particularly worry about the technical challenges of using very new and evolving generative AI tools. Whether it be a mix of fears and excitement, the use of AI technology in education is rapidly evolving and is here to stay. 

Rapid Response at Moments of Learning Need  

Our faculty development team at the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte recognized that we needed to adapt quickly to keep up with the latest developments and support faculty through their waves of uncertainty so that they can be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies in generative AI. We utilized a rapid response strategy to build and launch a stream of faculty development programs in rapid fire such as: 

(1) AI Summer institute

(2) Professional certificate on generative AI

(3) Faculty workshops on prompt engineering, student study skills and writing skills in the age of AI,

(4) Online resources and templates

These decisions were guided by early survey data gathered that reflected beginner (83%) and intermediate (17%) skill levels of faculty use of ChatGPT in teaching. While there were challenges associated with developing and implementing such programs, the benefits were significant for faculty preparation, mindsetting, and culture development.

Lessons Learned 

We share our lessons learned as well as challenges from rapid response faculty development strategies on the following themes:

  1. Timing Matters: Catching the Wave of Innovation at the Right Time  

  2. Rapid Response and Risk-Taking from a Center for Teaching and Learning

  3. Innovating within the Intersections of Technological-Pedagogical-Content Knowledge

  4. Creating a Culture of Innovation and Experimentation

  5. Seeding Research Opportunities 

  6. Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration 

  7. Promoting Communication, Transparency, and Accountability

  8. Developing Team-Based Expertise and Knowledge Sharing

Participation: We invite participants into a guided, interactive conversation with visual facilitation through a digital whiteboard canvas to capture and share ideas from the session.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 7
Conference Track: 
Engaged and Effective Teaching and Learning
Session Type: 
Education Session
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees