All higher education institutions are susceptible to crisis situations and research shows institutions tend to be more reactive than proactive in crisis situations. In this session, learn about ways to utilize the instructional technology you have to prepare you for the next crisis event.
Higher education institutions are increasingly susceptible to crisis events, as seen by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research shows institutions tend to be more reactive than proactive in crisis situations. However, using the Crisis Management Cycle can help institutions prepare for any crisis situation. This cycle consists of five phases: planning, prevention, response, recover, and learning. The planning phase consists of planning for possible crisis events and notifying staff of proper procedure. The next step is prevention, when institutions work to avoid crisis stimuli. The third step is response. In this phase, a crisis has happened and the institution has activated the crisis management plan. The fourth step is recovery, in which institutions provide opportunities for healing, and turn their focus to restoring normal operations. The fifth phase is learning. This is a time for reflection on successes and failures of the response and can help revise protocols and update existing plans. Nationwide, institutions across the United States are reflecting on their practices during COVID-19 pandemic and are looking for ways to increase their response for the next crisis.