How can institutions prepare students for success in online learning and then extend that support beyond their first semester? Learn how two institutions are using orientation and student success videos to bridge skill gaps and foster success. Presenters will share five tips for developing A+ orientation content.
As we've witnessed over the last 18 months, many students are not fully prepared for the online learning experience. Oftentimes, they are lacking skills in time management and independent learning which are critical for success in a remote learning environment. How can institutions build upon this knowledge to prepare students for online learning while addressing gaps in skill? In this session our presenters will discuss how they have collaborated with teams at their institutions to create engaging online orientation content. Presenters will use the framework of the 5 Ps of Student Success (Prepare For College Success, Plan For Remote Learning, Promote Engagement, Provide Support, and Persist, Persist, Persist) to explain their approach to implementing online orientation and subsequent programming to help students develop skills in areas like time management. Presenters will share assessment resources and student learning outcomes.
This presentation will be a modified panel with presenters infusing audience engagement throughout the presentation. The presenters will begin with a poll to have the audience share their institutional and student needs/challenges. Through small group discussion (be it online or in person), audience members will also get to discuss a learning strategy that they would like to implement to support and prepare online learners.
Through participating in this session, attendees will leave with a plan for implementing online orientation and support resources that they can adapt to their own institutions. Presenters will focus on the critical importance of engagement in orientation platforms and will share strategies for creating connections between students, faculty and staff. Participants will also learn methodologies for assessing student learning and student retention of content.