Preparation for exams requires efforts spanning for a year or more. Sense of achievement is critical for a student to continue with vigour on the learning journey. Subdividing the
Bigger picture of cracking an exam into achievable goals and then personalizing tasks to achieve these goals will help the student to pursue measurable outcomes.
Preparation for exams requires efforts spanning for a year or more. In that Preparation Journey, a student has to go through a vast syllabus aided by the Learning resources. The
current scenario of Online Learning systems provides the student with vast amounts of Learning resources at a student’s disposal. Keeping aside the issues like a credible source
of the origination for these Learning resources, students also face a challenge with the Learning resources being in abundant, unstructured fashion, non-Personalised and
providing vague outcomes.
Because of this, the student does not get the sense of achievement basis the efforts he/she has put in. It is difficult for a student to track the progress done in a day as it is
minuscule in comparison with the multi year-long learning journey.
To address this problem area of a student, we have subdivided the big picture of cracking an exam/Interview into individual goals. Every student who is preparing for the Exam will have the same set of goals to be achieved. These Goals are provided to the student in the form of Action Plan, basis the student’s performance and activity on the platform there will be few of the goals which will already be in an achieved state and the student only then needs to pursue the unachieved goals to realize the bigger picture.
What is a Goal: Goal is a target or an outcome that the student wishes to achieve. It is the smallest level of granularity
What is a Task: A Task is our way of recommending the Student to take action. Completing these tasks would allow the student to make progress against his/her goals.
Every day, when a student visits our platform, he/she would be provided with a certain number of Tasks Recommendations. Completion of these Task Recommendations each
day will result in a successful day of preparation guiding him/her to achieve the applicable goals. Providing the student with the progress done for the day in conjunction with the
goals being achieved will provide the student with Impact created on the Bigger picture, this would ensure the student stays undeterred on the Learning Journey until he/she
realizes his/her anticipated outcomes