Visualizing Wellness in Online Classes: Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Special Session: 


A university needed to improve student success in its online courses to match or exceed  campus-based success rates. The university provided an important resource to support struggling students through a Retention Mentor function, yet only 14% of online faculty used it. By creating a “wellness” visualization tool to gather early student feedback about the course, instructors could make adjustments to better meet student needs and, as appropriate, involve Retention Mentors such that more students could successfully complete their online courses. 

Extended Abstract: 

A university needed to improve student success in its online courses to match or exceed  campus-based success rates. The university provided an important resource to support struggling students through a Retention Mentor function, yet only 14% of online faculty used it. By creating a “wellness” visualization tool to gather early student feedback about the course, instructors could make adjustments to better meet student needs and, as appropriate, involve Retention Mentors such that more students could successfully complete their online courses. The wellness tool creation and deployment followed the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) protocol of the lean six sigma (LSS) methodology. The management of online learning operations entails myriad processes that can be made more efficient, and this is what LSS is all about. Involving everyone who touches a process in continuous quality improvement is fundamental to LSS. This case study involves faculty managing the quality of their course delivery using a "wellness" visualization created in a Tableau dashboard from a Qualtrics student survey.


track changed by ARK.

Conference Track: 
Learner Services and Support
Session Type: 
Education Session
Intended Audience: 