Supervising Action Research Online

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Abstract: Supervising Action Research Online

This discovery session will focus supervising doctoral action research in an online program.  The session will provide some background information around action research and the specific program goals for student research.  Given the intensity of conducting doctoral level action research, conversation will address questions of communication, site supervision, and pedagogy. 

Extended Abstract: 

Abstract: Supervising Action Research Online

This discovery session will focus on supervising doctoral action research in an online program.  The session will provide background information around action research and the specific program goals for student research.  Given the intensity of conducting doctoral level action research, conversation will address questions of communication, site supervision, and pedagogy. 

        While the program described has been completely online since the beginning, the move to a Dissertation in Practice through action research began in Fall 2019.  Moving from the tradition five-chapter model with multiple methodological options to a qualitative dominant action research model has shifted supervision of dissertation students.  This session will address the new questions and challenges that have arisen during this change.

Specifically, the session will pose questions for discussion such as: How can supervisors effectively supervise cyclical research?  What form of technology and regularity of communication is ideal?  What technology do all stakeholders need to be proficient in to hold benchmark meetings, and what is the institutions responsibility in supporting this technology?  How do supervisors interact with sites online?  What about international sites with language barriers to communication and/or technology? 

The presenter will offer possible solutions, but the session will be interactive and allow significant time for participants to discuss ideas.  The end goal of the session is for participants to have a space to think through doctoral action research in an online environment. 

Conference Track: 
Teaching and Learning Effectiveness
Session Type: 
Discovery Session
Intended Audience: 
Design Thinkers