Institutions are always looking for ways to grow enrollment. This “game show” will offer fabulous prizes and a four-step process to evaluate current online offerings while identifying areas for growth. Topics discussed include readiness, resources and strategic planning. A checklist for implementation will be provided as part of the session.
Institutions are always looking for ways to grow enrollment. Online learning is a way instituions look to meet student need while asisting with growth. This can result, at times, with institutions making quick decisions regarding online growth, which may prove unsuccessful. This session will examine a process to evaluate current online offerings while identifying areas for growth and change within the participants' institutions. Resources available and needs assessments will be addressed. A checklist for implementation will be provided as part of the session.
The session wil be broken down into several categorical topics:
Why Online? This portion will assist participants in examining why they are offering certain things online and how this is affecting their institution. Additionally, this section of the presenttaion will begin to address growth potential with new online offerings, and the "realm of possibility"
Current Online Efforts? This portion assists with having an undertsaning of what is being done online instituionally. Too often, departments and programs take a "silo" approach to their online efforts. Having an Institutional undersanding of the current efforts, while understanding the growth potential, is key in ths process.
Are We Ready to Grow? In this section of the presentation, we examine the resources and strategic initiatives currently in place to assist with online growth. An interactive worksheet will be provided to assist participants in thsi process. Topics include Student & faculty readiness, resources available, and institutional support.
Planning for the Future: Here, the participants will walk through steps associated with short-term and long-term goal setting and strategic inititaives to align the identified growth with action steps, benchmarks, and resource allocation.
The session offers an overview of the process for growing online offerings, while discussing "real world" examples and opportunities for audience participateion. Kahoot will be used during the "Quiz Show" presentation and presentation slides will be available to attendees through the conference website. Attendees will learn while being "Game Show Contestants" how to review their current online efforts/offerings, and their effectiveness while identifying growth potential to assist with institutional enrollment. The presentation will offer "Fabulous Prizes" for players who participate/score the highest.
The session will be delivered using Kahoot, and will include video questions, audible questions and a lightning round. The schedule breakdown will be as follows:
10 minutes: Introductions/ meet the contstants
30 minutes: Game Show Presentation with Overview of 4 steps of growth in online offerings utilizing Kahoot
5 minutes: Discussion & Questions