Designing, Implementing, And Scaling An Online Course Quality Review And Refresh Process With OSCQR

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Develop an implementation plan for your online course quality review and refresh initiative using OSCQR, OLC’s online course quality scorecard. Gain access to free openly licensed tools and resources to support your online course review initiative. Review best practices in online course review, and deep dive into selected OSCQR standards. 

Extended Abstract: 

In this workshop you will create an implementation plan for your online course quality review and refresh process. Participants will be introduced to OSCQR, OLC’s online course quality scorecard and will be guided in the creation of an online course quality initiative implementation plan to systematically review and refresh the instructional design and accessibility of online courses and programs. Participants will leave with an implementation plan tailored to their individual context, and the scope and scale of their initiative. Access to the tools and resources needed to implement their project will be provided. And, best practices in  implementing an online course quality review and refresh process will be reviewed and discussed. To provide deeper context and understanding, selected standards will be highlighted. Participants should bring a laptop and be able to access access the online course quality tools and resources. 

This workshop is designed to address 3 key objectives:

  1. The first hour of the workshop will focus on creating an individual implementation plan for your online course quality review and refresh initiative. Key questions will include: what model of course review will work best for the scope, scale and context of your initiative? What is your timeline? Who are your stakeholders? What policies and institutional organizational structures or procedures have to be taken into account for any aspect of your initiative? 
  2. The second hour of the workshop will focus on access and overview of the OLC OSCQR tools and resources you will use to implement and track your initiative. These include the OSCQR dashboard, the OSCQR rubric, and the OSCQR resource site.  
  3. The final hour of the workshop will be dedicated to discussing best practices in implementing an online course quality review and refresh process.  with special focus on selected standards.

Workshop Objectives - In this workshop you will:

  • Receive an implementation plan template that you will use to create your own individualized plan.
  • Gain access to OLC OSCQR self-assessment rubric, as well as the online interactive rubric for use in team reviews.
  • Gain access to OSCQR online dashboard to manage larger scale online course quality review initiatives. 
  • Receive an overview and orientation to the tools, resources, process, and best practices for conducting an online course quality review and refresh initiative.

We invite collaboration and feedback on the use of OSCQR and we will also solicit input and suggestions from the participants on the next areas of the rubric to be developed.

OSCQR approaches online course review and refresh as a professional development exercise, to guide faculty in their understanding of improving course design from an effective practices perspective, rather than as a course evaluation. An Action Plan is automatically generated by the course review process that presents recommendations for course design improvements based on the review, and assists in prioritization of course revisions based on the estimated time to make those improvements. The rubric also provides suggestions for course design improvements for each standard that can be selected from a menu of options by each reviewer to supplement reviewer feedback. The rubric can be customized. Standards can be added, edited, and /or eliminated. There is no license fee for use of the rubric. It is shared with a creative Creative Commons license: CC-BY 4.0 US. Because the OSCQR Rubric is licensed under Creative Commons, and the Dashboard is licensed under LGPL, the entire process can be shared, used by anyone with no cost, and can be customized to address individual campus environments.

Video: The OSCQR Rubric & Process


The OSCQR Rubric Standards

The OSCQR Rubric and Dashboard


Conference Session: 
Pre-Conference Workshop Session 1
Conference Track: 
Professional Development and Support
Session Type: 
Pre-conference Workshop
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees
Additional button description: 
There is a fee for this Pre-Conference Workshop: $225 Early Bird / $250 Full Price. Select both an AM and a PM pre-conference workshop to receive special combo package pricing of $395 Early Bird / $445 Full Price (total savings of $55).