This gamified session will present options for faculty when the “deal” is to scale online course offerings, increase online programs, how do you do this without forfeiting quality or increasing instructional costs? The million-dollar answer is to provide embedded “Academic Coaches” in online courses to support faculty within the course.
Academic Coaches supporting faculty within the course, provide a scalable option and savings on instructional cost while supporting and enhancing the student experience. The Academic Coach works collaboratively with faculty to reinforce their academic goals and learning objectives for the course. This session will present common issues experienced in large online courses, which may detract faculty from focusing on the main objective which is the course content and provide solid solutions. The coach focuses on enhancing student success and retention by increasing and promoting opportunities for collaboration, communication, and accountability, minimizing student isolation. Academic Coaches understand the need for fostering positive, meaningful affective and professional relationships with students. Students feel connected to the course and the program because they are connected to their Academic Coach. Each Academic Coach is a highly qualified, experienced practitioner in their field of study and has earned a graduate or doctoral degree. These individuals possess a strong educational, instructional, and leadership background, bringing value to the overall student learning experience. This session will present common issues experienced in online courses, which may detract faculty from focusing on the main objective which is the course content and provide solid solutions.