In 2015 the University of South Florida (USF) initiated an institution-wide online proctoring solution, Proctorio. Since then, we have facilitated over 290,000 online proctored exams. Join us and find out 1) what we have learned so far, 2) unexpected challenges and how we addressed those challenges, 4) what exceeded our expectations, 4) and what we envision for the future of online proctoring based on what we have learned to date.
Online instruction is relatively new. Online proctoring, however, is barely in its infancy and therefore requires us to "pioneer" into this new territory and “figure it out as we go.” Given the stigma surrounding outline proctoring, USF went to great lengths to ensure the best possible training/support for our faculty while also ensuring the least invasive solution for our students. When we awarded the contract to Proctorio in 2015, we had predictions (guesstimates at best) for the approximate number of exams conducted annually, the potential issues/concerns from students, the potential issues/concerns from faculty, and administrative issues/concerns. We took all of these into consideration and strategically addressed them by through extensive training for the faculty, student preparatory/support resources, IT help desk training, communication plans, and policies for the university specific to online proctoring. But did it all work? As with any major project, despite our efforts, we still encountered some unexpected challenges and issues that required our attention. Conversely, there were a number of areas that were highly effective and exceeded our expectations and now serve as a model for other universities to follow. In this session, we will examine these challenges, how we addressed the challenges, what worked (areas of success), and propose some thoughts about the future of online proctoring based on previous lessons learned.
This session is a must if you:
Will be implementing an automated online proctoring solution or has already implemented one
Want to know some of the unexpected challenges we encountered so you can strategically address them and minimize potential issues
Want to know what went better than expected and how we have improved upon this
Are curious about some potential directions of automated online proctoring and what the future may bring
Come join us and be prepared to also share your insights, experiences, and predictions for online proctoring.