There are several instructional sequencing models. In this presentation, a new sequencing model is proposed that utilizes the advantages of previous sequencing models and deals with their disadvantages. In addition, it will also allow adult students to have a locus of control over their own learning in an online course.
In developing a new course, a professor needs to determine the approach, methods, and sequencing instructions. There are two approaches to the sequence of instructions; one is based on students’ interest, previous knowledge, and the students’ cognitive development, whereas the other relies upon the relationships among various learning outcomes. The ultimate purpose of sequencing instructions is to facilitate the learning processes.
Over the years, several models have been developed to provide guidance on the best approach to sequencing instructions. The hierarchical sequential sequencing model, the spiral sequencing approach, and elaboration sequencing model are some of the most dominantly used sequencing models. Each of these models has advantages and disadvantages. Many of the disadvantages impose limitations on how and when to use each sequencing model.
In this presentation, a new sequencing model is proposed. It provides a comprehensive approach to instruction sequencing. The proposed model utilizes the advantages of previous sequencing models and deals with their disadvantages. In addition, it provides flexibility to sequencing course content that will facilitate online learning. It will also allow adult students to have a locus of control over their own learning.