Enhancing Online Learning Curriculum with Incorporation of the Study Abroad Experience

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Institutions of higher learning emphasize the importance of cultural competency. Expansion of student perceptions, elimination of cultural bias, and embracing global perspectives may be achieved through study abroad opportunities. Student exposure to global experiences, as part of higher level curricula, provide a foundation for global capacity and international engagement.

Extended Abstract: 

Study Abroad

Development of cultural competencies among professionals and the recognition of the need for appropriate and respectful interactions, communication, and behaviors is gaining a greater amount of attention in academic settings. Institutions of higher learning emphasize the importance of cultural competency. Expansion of student perceptions, elimination of cultural bias, and embracing global perspectives may be achieved through international study abroad opportunities. Student exposure to global experiences, as part of higher level curricula, provide a foundation for global capacity and international engagement. Goals in higher education include the development of competencies, especially those focusing on culture.


Central tenets involve the process of studying within an environment unfamiliar to the student, evoking a certain amount of stress, and perhaps including elements of cultural shock. The critical thinking aspects involve the development of reality-based understanding, perspective, and worldliness. Decision-making and thought processes may be influenced by the norms and standards of the new host traditions and practices. Introduction to new beliefs and conventions acculturate individuals to differences in the existing world. Narrowing the gap of cultural sensitivity may lead to an increase in the openness to the dynamics of beliefs regarding politics, social structures, perceptions on practices, education, and holism in health.





Enhancing Online Learning


Traditional on-campus courses have incorporated study abroad events and experiences for decades.  Many colleges and universities are witnessing a rise in the numbers of online learners; many of these learners are attempting to balance employment, education, and personal obligations. Online courses in both general education and in specialty programs are now expanding the availability of study abroad components to enhance personal learning. Unique elements of the experiences allow for a broader perspective of core components related to each course or program. The planned events, encounters, and excursions allow for meeting course outcomes and goals. International internships and programs have been in place for those desiring to extend learning beyond the brick and mortar walls of the academic institution. Study abroad in the online learning environment allows for the journey of education to be merged with the realities of world events and global affairs.



The assistance of the academic advisor, involved in course and program planning, contributes to the successful incorporation of the study abroad experience. Students who are working with an advisor can plan for expansion of online horizons, potentially encouraging job prospects in an increasingly global workforce. The early involvement of academic planning connects students with faculty and departmental leads to determine actual and potential needs prior to course initiation. Online students may qualify for study abroad scholarships, grants, and financial supplements, should they have limited financial means. Financial resources may be available through the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Cultural Affairs, local college or university resources, and Pell Grant recipients may be able to apply for the Gilman Scholarship. Students participating in the international study experience pay the same tuition as other students attending in the on-campus or online courses. The difference is the expense related to specific study abroad program. Students should be strongly encouraged to explore various financial offerings specifically targeted for study abroad participation. 



Alignment of Outcomes

Intentional alignment of course learning outcomes assists in expansion of student perspectives regarding realities of the global community. The interconnections and interdependence of the global community are tied to the course by assisting learners to understand other cultures and nations. Educational opportunity to align the course components to a more global society encourages the development of new perspectives, broaden international efforts, and expand the context of student learning. The study abroad curriculum and individualized design allow for amplification of student learning through synthesizing focused concepts with experiential attainments.


Study abroad and global learning experiences align with initiatives within the United States regarding the educator role in fostering cultural and global competencies.  Educators assist in the expansion of global awareness, advancing equity, and promotion of justice. Combining theory and practice improve the transformative process of academics within the higher learning environment.




Study abroad experiences for students enhance and support the understanding of competencies in culture. Students in general education courses and in specialty programs of study increase their sensitivity to intercultural needs and practices. The experiences allow for the students to gain new insight, ideas, and opportunities related to the individualized course or program. The experiences and curriculum design may improve opportunities for both career and personal development, especially for those in specific programs of study. The student experience uncovers the relationship between study abroad, cognitive development, recognition of diversity, and differentiation of culture. Learning involves the complexities of the structured online learning environment and the transition to international cultural immersion. The student perception evolves through transitions of adaptation from one cultural and familiar setting to another, less familiar and foreign environment. Adjustments made during the transition from one culture to another provide the foundation for personal growth and improved competency.



Cultural understanding and learning are part of the expected outcomes for each student participating in the study abroad experience. Study abroad inclusion on the curriculum can be an innovative strategy for bridging the divide between theory and practice. All study abroad programs allow for international travel, enhancement of independent thinking, and gaining a greater understanding overall intercultural communication. These elements are components in which many organizations are looking for with career candidates and job seekers. The impact of study abroad programs augment the delivery of learned material and support the need for awareness of cultures based on globalization and global impacts in all professions.




  • Overview of Study Abroad
  • Fact Finding
  • Alignment with Course or Program Objectives
  • Steps in Proposing to Administration and Committees for Approval
  • Setting a Timeline
  • Fiscal Arrangements
  • Initial Voyage and Paperwork
  • Travel Considerations
  • Having a Backup Plan
  • Learning from Experience and Planning the Next Journey
Conference Track: 
Leadership and Institutional Strategies
Session Type: 
Education Session
Intended Audience: 