Enrolling students is the easy part, they are excited to earn their degree but then life happens -marriage, children, divorce, job loss, tight finances, harder than they thought, time management. Studies say students who sit out more than three terms will not return to complete their degrees. So what do we do to keep these students engaged? How does retention effect our rankings for our online programs? Explore what we have learned and done to start raising our retention rates in our Online MBA prgram at Baylor.
This presentation will give a quick overview of online learning at Baylor University over the last five years as we have moved online. It will also show steps we are taking along side our OPM to retain our students. The presentation will end with a room discussion on what other programs are doing to retain their students. I think this is a valuable discussion as we all learn from each other on how to better serve our student s and help them reach their goals of that online degree.