Assessing and Building Academic Resilience in Online Students

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Resilience significantly affects academic outcome and sense of personal well-being. The importance of students’ resilience and measuring resilience as an education outcome are not clearly addressed for online education. This workshop will provide in-depth information on essential resilience skills for academic success, including tools to measure academic resilience.

Extended Abstract: 


  1. List factors and behaviors that can help develop and strengthen resilience, including the most common reasons that online students feel stressed
  2. Describe how to integrate resilience and wellness into online courses
  3. Examine the relationship between resilience and academic success, including various tools to measure academic resilience   
  4. Discuss stress management strategies for online students to build academic resilience through creation of a personalized action plan

Resilience is described as a psychological construct that mirrors an individual's ability to cope with stress and pressure in a positive way when faced with adversity or difficult experiences (Wu et al, 2013). Resilience significantly affects academic outcome and sense of personal well-being. Although resilience concept has become popular in both academic research and applied practice for the last three decades, the importance of students’ resilience and measuring resilience as an education outcome are not clearly addressed for an online teaching environment (Rankin, 2016). Further, there has been a decline in student resilience in recent years (Wilson, 2015; Lipka, 2018).

Teaching academic resilience has proven highly effective in mitigating the negative effects of stressors, preventing burnout, and improving academic performance (De Baca, 2010; Kwek et al, 2013). This interactive workshop will provide participants with strategies on how to help students develop their own self-awareness and skills to strengthen their personal and academic resilience. The workshop will provide in-depth information on essential resilience skills for academic success (academic confidence, sense of well-being, motivation to succeed, setting goals, and stress management), and key principles of mental toughness, including tools to measure academic resilience. Techniques and approaches for integrating resilience and wellness into online courses will be addressed with real examples. Through small group activities, participants will discuss strategies for building academic resilience and a personalized action plan in online teaching and learning. Finally, participants will leave this workshop with new ideas, tools, and practical techniques that will help them gain insight into one’s strengths and needs so that they can deal with academically challenging situations.


DeBaca, C (2010). Resilience and Academic Performance. Available at:

Kwek, A., Bui, H. T., Rynne, J., & So, K. K. (2013). The Impacts of Self-Esteem and Resilience on Academic Performance: An Investigation of Domestic and International Hospitality and Tourism Undergraduate Students. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 25(3), 110-122. doi:10.1080/10963758.2013.826946

Lipka, S. (Feb. 4, 2018). ‘I Didn’t Know How to Ask for Help’: Stories of Students With Anxiety. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved May 24, 2018, from

Rankin, P. (2016). Building Resilience in Adult Online Students. In, K. A. Flores, K. D. Kirstein,

C. Schieber & S. Olswang (Eds.), Supporting the success of adult and online students: Proven practices in higher education (pp.271-280). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Wilson, R. (Aug. 31, 2015). An Epidemic of Anguish: Overwhelmed by Demand for Mental-Health Care, Colleges Face Conflicts in Choosing How to Respond. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved May 24, 2018, from

Wu, G.,Feder, A., Cohen,H.,Kim,J.J.,Calderon,S., Charney,D.S., et al. (2013).Understanding resilience. Front. Behav .Neurosci. 7(10),1-15

Workshop Outline (45 minutes)

  • Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)
  • Concept of Resilience (5 minutes)
  • Resilience and Academic Success (15 minutes)
    • Common Reasons That Online Students Feel Stressed
    • Factors and Conditions for Academic Success

(Group Activity and Interactive Microlearning via Kahoot)

  • Measuring Academic Resilience & Resilience Tools/Technology Apps for Stress (10 minutes)

(Hands-on participative group activity and Demonstration)

  • Strategies for Building Academic Resilience & Take Away Information (10 minutes)
    • Build academic resilience through creation of a personalized action plan
    • Collective discussion of key takeaways
Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 5
Conference Track: 
Learning Effectiveness
Session Type: 
Express Workshop
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees