Video in Teaching & Learning: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Strands (Select 1 top-level strand. Then select as many tags within your strand as apply.): 

We will explore the impact video has on a global scale, how this information applies to teaching & learning, implementing best practices, and collaboratively setup and film a short interview session with workshop participants.


Extended Abstract: 

When you hear the word "video" what do you think of? Do you think of an instructor sitting in front of a webcam lecturing for an hour and a half? Do you think of a screen captured powerpoint with the instructor lecturing over the slides? What about a funny video you saw on facebook before reading this? Regardless of what comes to mind, video has become a staple in our everyday lives. As a medium it has the potential to register with us on an emotional level. It has the potential to dissimeninate important information quickly. It has the ability to persuade, empower, and inspire. Videos can be informational, educational, entertaining, and engaging. Most importantly however we have to understand it is chiefly a communication tool. And when this tool is used effectively, it has the power to unlock the potential in every student.

In this express workshop we will explore the impact video has on a global scale, how this information applies to teaching & learning, implementing best practices, explore scalable video tools, and collaboratively film a short interview session with workshop participants.

The objectives of this pre-conference workshop are the following:
- Identify the impact video has on a global scale.
- Give examples of effective videos used in teaching & learning in multiple modalities.
- Demonstrate & use scalable video tools.
- Describe best practices in video production.
- Collaboratively produce a short video comprised of on-site interviews with the pre-conference workshop attendees.
- Making the distinction between easy to shoot and more difficult video.

At the beginning of this workshop we will explore the global impact of video in terms of statistical data on a global and organizational level view by demonstrating the analytics associated globally as well as with Western Kentucky University's video platform. The reason we will explore this data is to make the case for the importance of video and why this medium specifically cannot be ignored. This will lead us to give specific teaching & learning video examples displaying how to effectively engage students and meet learning outcomes. 

Next we will explore different video tools, both hardware and software, for creating engaging videos on a scalable level. Camera phone, iPad, or own personal camera required! The workshop attendees will have 20 minutes to explore the conference site and capture a few different video clips on their device pertaining to the conference. Once everyone returns they will upload their video to dropbox and share the links with me to download on my computer. As those are downloading we will review and describe best practices for video production in regards to lighting, camera composition, audio capture, and editing. 

Then we will collabortively interview 1-3 participants about the conference in a pre-staged interview setup. They will be asked why they are attending, and what they hope to take away from the conference. After filming, we will do a quick collabortive editing session using the footage we have amassed during the session to create a short 30 second - 1 minute video about the conference. My goal is for the attendees to see the process, learn the best practices for creating quality video, get hands on experience filming an interview, and apply this knowledge in their courses, departments, etc.

At the end of the workshop participants will take home with them a checklist for best practices in video production, the link to the video we created, and a prize for the most creative shot.


Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 2
Session Type: 
Express Workshop