Professional Development with MERLOT: Become a Peer Reviewer

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Special Session: 

MERLOT peer reviewers agree that the reviewing process allows them to develop skills that are useful in many aspects of their faculty roles.  Discover our process, our reviewer training, and how you can be a part of the MERLOT community as a peer reviewer, and later, an editorial board member.  

Extended Abstract: 

MERLOT peer reviewers agree that the reviewing process allows them to develop skills that are useful in many aspects of their faculty roles.  Discover our process, our reviewer training, and how you can be a part of the MERLOT community as a peer reviewer, and later, an editorial board member.  The MERLOT rubric addresses content quality, potential effectiveness, and ease of use.  These qualities are crucial to assessing any material that educators might use in their own classes.  Being a MERLOT peer reviewer allows educators to explore new materials in their own disciplines and discover ways in which those materials can be incorporated into their own classes.

The session will ​allow participants to converse with a MERLOT editor and an editorial board member ​on the many benefits of serving as a peer reviewer and their unique experience working with MERLOT. The informal nature of th​is discovery session allows for ​participant-driven ​questions and ​answers geared to​wards attendee​s​ ​in lieu of a generic description of the process.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 9
Session Type: 
Discovery Session