A Model for Cultivating Open Educational Resources Adoption Culture at U.S. Public Universities

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Open textbook adoption on US public university campuses is still a pioneering endeavor. This session proposes a model for promoting Open Textbook adoption culture on campuses, through identifying OER pioneers, supporting OER champions, using peer influence and proactive approaches.

Extended Abstract: 

Open Educational Resources Adoption is witnessing wild success at community college systems in some states, at Maryland University online program, in informal learning, in personal learning, Massive Open Online Courses, life-long learning, and professional development, etc. However, the pace for OER adoption in college credit courses on US public university campuses is still slow and full of challenges. This session will demonstrate strategies for promoting OER adoption in credit based online courses at college level. These strategies could be applicable in K-12 education or corporate training as well. 

At the end of this session, participants will

  1. Be able to list at least a couple reasons why it is important to promoting OER content. 
  2. Be able to locate OER finders on the internet
  3. Be able to name at least a couple ways to spur the adoption of OER in college credit courses.

This session will begin with why OER adoption is important and how can OER be promoted though this model:

  • Utilizing peer influence from existing OER champions in other settings.
  • Providing proactive faculty support for OER adoption.
  • Constructing cases of OER pioneers, one by one.
  • Constructing cases of OER champions, one by one.
  • Creating Institutional culture of OER adoption with support from all levels (students, faculty, and administrations). (5 minutes)

Next, participants will be introduced to cases of online courses adopting OER:

Complete adoption of OER:

  1. International Business BA 347: Open textbook; youtube lecture series; open business cases
  2. MB 302: Instructor-created open-textbook
  • Partial adoption of OER
    1. Modern Latin America HST 351: Library e-book, journal articles;
    2. Inventory Management MGMT 457: free or low-cost business articles (10 minutes)

Then participants will receive training on where to locate OER (audios, videos, graphics, articles, textbooks, and films of OER property) electronically. (10 minutes)

Finally, participants will be working in small groups to locate OERs in their corresponding field of studies, including Open textbooks, images, videos, other texts. (15 minutes)

Question and Answer (5 minutes)

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 9
Session Type: 
Education Session