Participate in a discussion specific to the development of an online, graduate, broad category special education teacher licensure program that integrates best practices specific to online teaching and learning and the content and pedagogy necessary to prepare highly qualified special education teachers.
This Discovery Session provides attendees information specific to a newly developed, online graduate broad category special education licensure program that supports working adults who are already licensed as teachers in another area. The program will allow students the opportunity to pursue special education teaching credentials while working full time, removing the barriers of time, space, and physical location. The Discovery Session is specifically designed to be interactive, supporting the opportunity for ongoing questions and answers.
Conference attendees will see how this graduate program will enable access and opportunity to train highly qualified special education teachers, as well as provide opportunities for practitioners to improve their knowledge and skills when working with students that have diverse learning needs, through the integration of special education content and pedagogy in an online learning environment. The licensure program was created in consultation with an advisory group consisting of parents, students, K-12 administrators, K-12 general education teachers, K-12 special education teachers, and instructional designers. Program development was intentional in modeling inclusive teaching practices of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the Growth Mindset. The Community of Inquiry (COI) framework is supported through the purposeful focus of creating community in an online setting. Assessments and activities were developed specifically for practicing teachers, allowing them the opportunity to immediately translate theory into practice, and reflect upon the implementation. The online program has also integrated the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Student Standards (2016) to ensure all K-12 students, including those with exceptionalities, have the opportunity to be “Empowered Learners, Digital Citizens, Knowledge Constructors, Innovative Designers, Computational Thinkers, Creative Communicators, and Global Collaborators.”
The purpose of this program is to help meet the continuing need for special education teachers across the country. According to the 2011 National Teacher Shortage List, 49 of 50 states are reporting a teacher shortage in the area of Special Education. Many schools and districts fill positions with general education teachers. An online program allows for flexibility in time and place for those general education teachers to complete their special education coursework.
Presentation Goals:
1. Participants will have an awareness of an online, broad category, special education licensure program.
2. Participants will develop new insights into meeting the pedagogical and content knowledge needs of a special education teacher preparation
3. Participants will build a better understanding about the various ways to support the Council for Exceptional Children Special Educator Professional Preparation Standards through the lens of online learning and the intentionality of building a community of practice in an online program.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2016). ISTE national educational technology standards (NETS). Eugene, OR :International Society for Technology in Education.
Teacher Shortage Areas Nationwide Listing, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, March 2011.