The presentation will focus on the NROC math integration in the D2L (Brightspace) learning management system. The outcomes of implementing this program will be discussed as well as an overview of where we were prior to NROC, the implementation process, and suggestions for future use.
In an effort to enhance our MATH 101, entry-level, online course, we subscribed to a NROC membership and integrated their Developmental Math program into our Desire to Learn (Brightspace) learning management system. The presentation will include the IT components of integrating the LTI into our LMS, mapping participation, and auto-grading quizzes using the NROC materials. In addition, the outcomes of the change will be discussed. This includes, but is not limited to, the percentage increase in early and on-time submissions of math assignments and the reduction of late assignments. Using this resource, we saw a positive impact on student assignment/course completion and learning outcomes and an increase in early/on-time submissions. The presentation will include our implementation process, additional artifacts created to support the program, learning outcomes, and implications for future use. This project has changed how students learn math at Trident University in addition to increasing course persistence and success in online math.