Does your program or institution use master course shells?

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Using master course shells and content items are a way to ensure students are able to easily navigate your institution's Learning Management System. By attending this session, you will learn about master templates and items that are used to ensure student understanding and success. 

Extended Abstract: 

With the EPIC Program and the KCTCS Online Learn on Demand, we use a master shell and content pieces. There are several reasons why we do this, but the top three reasons are: 
1) Consistency across courses. Our number one priority is the students and their success. Students, as well as accrediting bodies, love consistency. 
2) Ease of development for course developers, instructional designers, and faculty. 
3) Provides ground work for earning quality certifications (ie Blackboard Exemplary Course Program, Quality Matters, and OLC Scorecard). 
During this session, I will take you through a tour of our master shell. During this tour, we will explore the benefits of using master templates and master content pieces, and provide an overview of where we began, where we are, and changes we see on the horizon. 
Note: "Master Shell" is the term used to describe the Blackboard shell designed with specific formatting and used in the creation of class shells for the EPIC Program and KCTCS LoD.


Session Type: 
Discovery Session