Applying the Technology Test Kitchen to Your Institution: A Space for Testing, Learning, and Innovation

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The Technology Test Kitchen success at the OLC can be reimagined for testing, learning, and innovation beyond the conference. The panel of TTK creators and leaders describe the model and process of development and application as well as translation to your own institution.

Extended Abstract: 

A 2016 Online Learning Consortium Effective Practice Award winner, the TTK creators and leaders have been recognized for the development of a space at the OLC Conference to explore resources, experiment in applications, have critical conversations, create a safe place for discussing challenges, offer venues for problem solving, and a focus on discovery. Born out of the need to in real-time apply the learning and gathering of information at a conference, the TTK is a physical location where any and all participants can test things out, move beyond our comfort level, and reach for what is beyond. This maker space, initially offered in 2014, has grown to be a spot light for the conference as well as a facet of the conference highly evaluated by conference attendees (Gunder, 2015).

The concept of the Technology Test Kitchen was created from the minds of educational puzzle solvers, innovators, and collaborators.  Breaking down the silos and separations present in much of academia, opportunity was designed to reframe professional development as a hands-on, experiential process, and a community of inquiry.  In spaces where educators purportedly gathered to cogitate, experiment and play, it was noticed the delivery was actually static, one-to-many presentations with little to no interaction.  To bring a more profound kind of professional development into the spotlight, the innovators, formulated an approach for bridging the ever-expanding gap between tried-and-true teaching methods and the unique needs of the current populations of learners.

Known for the innovation of the space at a learning conference, the effectiveness stems from a multifaceted hands-on learning experience to support online teaching and learning efforts. Participants move from station to station or target specific professional develop and growth areas aided by expert Chefs and on site technology. The shared knowledge and expertise of Chefs from all different institutions and educational roles offer ideas, models, trials and testing, exercises, and demonstrations for learning and for experimentation (Musgrove, Tomsic, Knott, Goodrich, and Gunder, 2016).

The panel discussion session will provide a venue to showcase the successful model of and design for the Technology Test Kitchen. The panel, comprised of current and former TTK chairs and master chefs, will share organization, history, evolution, designs, and recipes. Guidance on critical components for an effective exploratory area, components needed for success, and involvement by stake-holders will be described.  Also, challenges posed in different TTK iterations will be shared. Additionally, during the panel discussion possibilities for different frameworks, designs, and purposes for such a hands-on maker space will be explored with the audience.



Bryan, V. C., A. T. Musgrove, & Powers, J. R. (Projected Release Date August 2017). Handbook of research in the human development in the digital age. Retrieved from

Gunder, A. (2015, January 14). All about the Technology Test Kitchen at #ET4OL 2015. [Video file]. Retreived from

Musgrove, A., Tomsic, F., Knott, J., Goodrich, D., and Gunder, G. (2016, September 6). A kitchen for tech. Edtech Digest. Retrieved from


Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 9
Session Type: 
Panel Discussion