Engineering the Future of Short Burst Learning 

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

As the US faces a workforce that requires constant upskilling, how do educational institutions meet those demands for short bursts of learning? Attend this session to learn about extensive skills mapping, and measuring learning, in order to not only meet the needs of current and future students, but also employers. 

Extended Abstract: 

The University of Phoenix has embarked upon an extensive and rigorous skills mapping and measuring of learning for all curriculum.  As far as curriculum is concerned, in order to be able to pivot to the future to accommodate short bursts of learning, you first need to know what skills are obtained in every course, at what level (introductory, reinforcement, or mastery), and how learning is being measured.   

Once a standardized data structure around skills acquisition is determined, then associations are created within the curriculum map for every skill in a course. Additionally skills are aligned to job friendly language for future-state automated job board associations. The curriculum mapping connects all pieces of curriculum in the following order; 

  • Industry / Professional / Accreditation Standards 

    • Program Student Learning Outcomes 

      • Course Student Learning Outcomes 

        • Learning Objective 

          • Learning Resources 

Mapping all elements of the curriculum allows for; 

  • Clear communication to students about the skills they are learning. 

  • Ensuring curriculum is tied to career skills. 

  • Communication to employers about student readiness for a profession. 

  • Creation of a data infrastructure that will allow for continuous improvement of courses.  

Attend this session to learn more about how we are creating this infrastructure in order to diversify educational offerings and be ready for the future of learning.   

Conference Track: 
Lifelong Learning and Workforce Partnerships
Session Type: 
Present and Reflect Session
Intended Audience: 
Design Thinkers
Instructional Support
All Attendees