This presentation will demonstrate how to use Qualtrics survey software to facilitate online course reviews based on the Open SUNY Course Quality Rubric (OSCQR). Participants will also see how we use Qualtrics to generate confidential reports for the instructional designer and faculty member.
Like many OLC institutions, Utah Valley University (UVU) adopted the Open SUNY Course Quality Rubric (OSCQR), with some modifications, as a standard for online course development. As UVU has adopted the rubric it has needed to scale the review process across more than a dozen courses in a given semester.
In order to create a review process works for that time-constrained instructional designers and faculty, UVU leveraged the Qualtrics survey software to issue review requests and report on results. When issuing quality reviews Qualtrics allows for any number of reviews to be issued and tracked. Progress on reviews can be saved if the reviewers use the same device and they are compatible with mobile devices. Administrators are also able to issue automated reminders for incomplete reviews.
Qualtrics allows for custom reports that allow for a succinct summary of review results. UVU’s review process is single-blind in which raters are anonymous but the identity of the faculty member and instructional designer is not. Qualtrics allows for both anonymous and non-anonymous versions of the review results to be exported.
This session will show participants each step of the process. Participants will also receive handouts of our version of the OSCQR rubric as well as a sample quality review report.