"Are we ever done with accessibility?" Presenter Kate Sonka asked this question during the Distance Teaching & Learning conference in Madison, WI in August 2018. For more of us, the answer is no. We all have accessibility-related challenges, ranging from the “easy-to-fix” to the complex and demanding. Join us for a frank conversation about some of these challenges, with an opportunity to participate in a group strategy and sharing session on how to tackle them. We may never really be done with accessibility, but we don’t have to climb the mountain alone.
This Conversations, Not Presentation session makes time for sharing and learning. Attendees are invited to bring their accessibility-related challenges to the session, and in turn, participate in a group strategy/discussion activity to share ideas, resources, and approaches to the challenges that are shared.
Conversation Topic/Issue: Accessibility challenges in higher education that impact the student experience.
We’ve identified the following questions as conversation starters and to dig deeper into specific topics, depending on how the discussion flows and on the needs of the attendees:
Starter Question to gage the base knowledge in the group: What common accessibility requirements can be met before a student accesses an online course?
Are there practices that you have found do/don’t work that promise accessible experiences, materials, and services?
What expectations are in place for faculty responsibility of accessible content and learning experiences? How did you (or do you) navigate resistance?
What issues should administrators and faculty members consider and be prepared for as they navigate the accessibility landscape?
What resources or policies have you seen as most effective to support awareness of accessibility needs in your institution?
As an education professional, what other barriers have you experienced in providing an accessible, inclusive education?