Digital Toolbox for Creating Interactive Content

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

This presentation aims to share interactive and dynamic tools for creating immersive content that will provide a full sensory experience to students so they can achieve academic success. In essence, these tools will aid in building educational content that allow students to apply their knowledge while deeply engaged in learning.

Extended Abstract: 

 These tools allow for learner-driven activities through auto-scoring and automated meaningful feedback while students are independently and deeply engaged in the learning tasks. Varied content types can be created to accommodate learner variability. These types of interactive content allows students to self-assess and reflect on their progress while challenging them to further their knowledge on the topic or lesson at hand. These digital tools are at the forefront of innovation and learning to aid educators and content creators in building high quality educational content aligned with standards.

Conference Track: 
Effective Tools, Toys and Technologies
Session Type: 
Intended Audience: 
Design Thinkers
Instructional Support
Training Professionals