This session will review the results of a WISE Intervention Strategy in an online accelerated undergraduate general psychology course at a large-size community college. Discussion and activities about how intentional messages were used to promote student success will be reviewed.
This session will review the results of a WISE Intervention Strategy in an online accelerated undergraduate general psychology course at a large-size community college. Walton (2014) discusses the role of WISE psychological interventions in promoting student success in higher education teaching and learning. This program is a report to a scholarly teaching grant that was received by the presenter to implement the WISE intervention strategy of using intentional messages to students throughout the semester to promote student success and continued engagement. Weekly messages were sent to students to review their progress in the week and address any areas of concern and anxiety the students were experiencing in the course. The messages were pre-designed templates developed prior to the start of the course and then tailored specifically to the student based on the faculty member’s observations of the student’s progress each week. Student feedback about the weekly messages was conducted through the end of course survey. Discussion of the students’ and faculty perspectives will be discussed. Activities about how intentional messages were used to promote student success will be reviewed as well as recommendations for adapting this strategy for topic courses and courses of varying lengths.