Global Civic Engagement: The Positive Side of Digital Citizenship

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Special Session: 
Diversity & Inclusion

This session explores the role of pro-active digital citizenship, global civic engagementand. the impact of technology on it. We will discuss research-based global pro-active digital citizenship curriculum and instruction, and the potential of citizen journalism and scientists as mechanisms for facilitating youth-centered pro-active global digital citizenship.

The one slide will present the topics for discussion:

I.  Digital citizenship overview

II. Global civic engagement overview

III. Impact of technology on global civic engagement

IV. Youth’s civic engagement

V.  Global pro-active digital citizenship curriculum and instruction

VI.  Service learning

VII. Global citizen journalism and science


Extended Abstract: 

This presentation explores the role of digital citizenship, civic engagement and the impact of technology on it, and the potential of citizen journalism and science as mechanisms for facilitating youth-centered pro-active digital citizenship. 

Pro-active digital citizenship may be considered as the integration of digital citizenship and civic engagement: individuals use technology to improve their communities, whatever form that community assumes. 

Technology has facilitated civic engagement because it offers more varied and convenient ways to access, communicate with, and contribute to civic organizations and their information. Even though today’s youth have a growing distrust in mainstream politics, and get their news mainly online or through social commentary television, over two-thirds of teenagers participate in social causes that impact their lifestyles.            

Citizenship is a communicative achievement in global spaces, and should link education and action to solve social problems. Citizen journalism and citizen science holds great promise for today’s youth. Youth particularly like co-production interactivity and community impact. To help these students communicate effectively in this public sphere, instructors can teach investigative skills, critical thinking and communication skills. The school community can facilitate service learning. Students leverage their own interests and peer networks to provide insider information to media outlets—impacting the community. By collaborating with the education community, including students, journalists  and scientists maintain professional oversight and mentor potential employees. On their part, students gain privileged access and insights into the professional world of the media and their ethical stance, as well as opportunities to impact their community as informed digital citizens.

Conference Track: 
Experiential and Life-Long Learning
Session Type: 
Conversation, Not Presentation
Intended Audience: 
Instructional Support