This session will share how California State University's SkillsCommons project is curating over 40,000 workforce development open educational resources and program support materials created by TAACCCT grantees.
California State University's SkillsCommons project has created the world's largest repository of workforce development curriculum and training materials. As part of the U.S. Department of Labor's Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) $2 billion grant initiative required over 700 community colleges to create open education resources for the funded programs in industry sectors such as information technology, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing. During this session, the California State University's SkillsCommons sponsored Skills2Work IMPACTcommunity will share how SC is curating the training materials for use for community colleges, workforce development boards, and employers. Audience members will have a chance to explore workforce content and collaborate on emerging uses of OER in Workforce learning.