Improv for the Rest of Us and Those Who Want to Work with Insanely Great Ensembles

Final Presentation: 
Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Improv is not just for comedy. This workshop will teach participants some of the techniques of improvisation and ideas on how it can be used in at work. There are studies that suggest improv does help us all to become better team members, learners, innovators, and communicators.

Extended Abstract: 

This workshop will teach participants some of the basics of improvisation and ideas on how it can be used in at work. There are studies that suggest improv does help us all to become better team members, learners, innovators, and communicators. Companies are using improv methods as a way of creating more innovative and collaborative teams. This is a method that can be used from brainstorming to create a better work environment by stressing “Yes” before “No”. Improv training can help everyone become better learners and make learning more enjoyable. Come and learn about improv and why companies such as IDEO, Google, Marriott, and Twitter have embraced this technique to build a culture that promotes better communication, collaboration, and team building. This workshop is an interactive workshop. Please attend and have fun learning how to be more positive, vulnerable, attentive, and playful in your daily grind.

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to
1. Identify areas where improv can be used in their daily lives and work.
2. Perform some basis improv components.
3. Create improv games based upon a given topic.
4. Understand how failure fits into life-long learning.
5. Exemplify the “Yes And” mantra in their classes.


1. Introspective: 15 minutes.
What is improv
A brief history of improv
Who’s who in improv
Literature review
Who uses improv
Rules of improv
2. Warmup games: 20 minutes.
3. Paired improv: 20 minutes.
4. Building an ensemble: 20 minutes.
5. Retrospective: 15 minutes
Active Learning

Conference Session: 
Workshop Session 2
Conference Track: 
Teaching and Learning Innovation
Session Type: 
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees